22 augustus 2023

JUC acquires Norstedts Juridik's course company in Sweden

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JUC acquires Norstedts Juridik's course company in Sweden

We are proud to announce the successful acquisition of Norstedts Juridik’s renowned course company in Sweden.

This strategic acquisition marks a significant milestone for JUC and strengthens its position as a dominant force in legal continuing education in Scandinavia. Norstedts Juridik’s course company, with their recognized expertise in legal training, brings valuable resources and know-how to JUC's extensive portfolio of courses, conferences, and network groups.

Over the years, Norstedts Juridik has built a strong presence in the Swedish market, with a solid reputation for their quality courses for lawyers and other legal professionals.

A wide range of opportunities

The acquisition of Norstedts Juridik’s course company provides JUC with a unique opportunity to expand the wide range of events, enabling us to further meet the needs of our Swedish customers.

Along with the acquisition of Norstedts Juridik’s course company, JUC brings a wide range of benefits to our customers. This fusion of resources and expertise will result in an even broader and more in-depth course offering that meets the specific needs of legal professionals. JUC remains dedicated to delivering top-notch legal continuing education that helps professionals stay up-to-date with the latest developments in legal issues and enhance their skills.

JUC will maintain the high standard of quality, professionalism, and expertise for which both JUC and Norstedts Juridik are known. Customers from Norstedts Juridik can expect a smooth transition and will continue to receive the same quality service and access to the resources and courses they are accustomed to.

JUC's continuing education offerings

At JUC, you will find legal courses covering a wide range of legal areas. In these courses, you will acquire practical tools that you can apply in your daily work, and you will gain unique insights into new legislation, administrative practices and more, with a focus on their significance for your specific field of work.

If you are looking for legal continuing education in The Netherlands, you will find an overview of all our products here.

Meer weten?

Als eindverantwoordelijke van JUC in Nederland focus ik mij op de samenstelling en kwaliteit van onze Specialisten Netwerken, evenals de dynamiek tussen de professionals. Graag vertelt een van onze vakkundige Network consultants u meer over welk Netwerk bij u past.

Rick Ham

Rick Ham
Head of Office
Telefoon: +31 20 888 1027
E-mail: rh@juc.nl

Juridische netwerkgroepen met een hoog vakinhoudelijk niveau

Hier krijgt u niet alleen exclusieve netwerkkansen, maar ook de garantie van sprekers die nauw verbonden zijn met onze leden. Dit maakt ons netwerk sterker dan traditioneel onderwijs, als een dynamisch forum waar professionals samenkomen en ervaringen delen binnen het vakgebied.

Onze juridische netwerkgroepen belichten altijd actuele vraagstukken en perspectieven die voor de deelnemers relevant zijn. Vanaf de allereerste bijeenkomst nemen we uw input mee, waardoor de onderwerpen altijd aansluiten op de huidige en voortdurende ontwikkelingen binnen het vakgebied.

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